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What we do

Recent Work



 Public Policy
    - Policy impact analysis
    - Policy development
    - Com
petition Policy

    - Program Evaluation
    - Fiscal policy and Federal-              State financial relations

 Economic Analysis
    - Cost Benefit Analysis of                 policies and infrastructure             projects
    - Economic Impact Analysis of         policies and infrastructure             projects (using CGE, IO, and         microeconomic analysis               tools)

 Financial Analysis
    - Financial Modelling 
    - Business Case Development
    - Business Case Review
    - Grant applications for                    Federal and State                           Government funding

    - Joe is a regular speaker at
      conferences and media                commentator

Joe Branigan - Tulipwood Economic

Joe Branigan

Director of Tulipwood Economics

Financial and economic impact of 60-day PBS medicines dispensing


19 June 2023


The Pharmacy Guild of Australia asked Professor Henry Ergas AO to review, draw policy conclusions and make recommendations based on a Technical Report prepared by Tulipwood Advisory Pty Ltd (Tulipwood Economics) and the Relational Insights Data Lab (RIDL) at Griffith University in relation to the Australian Government’s 60-day Maximum Dispensing Quantity (MDQ) policy. 


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Economic Impact Analysis of proposed Clean Energy and Logistics Hub at Port of Newcastle


2 March 2023

The Port of Newcastle requested an initial high-level independent economic impact assessment (EIA) of the Port's proposed $466 million enablement works package to support a Clean Energy Precinct and Logistics Hub (CEP and Logistics Hub) on 220 hectares of available land at the Port.  


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Working from Home is here to stay


31 May 2022

WFH Picture 1.png

The iMOVE CRC engaged Tulipwood Economics to prepare a single overarching report that integrated the evidence on Working from Home (WfH) to date and highlighted the main findings of four iMOVE sponsored research projects. iMOVE also requested that Tulipwood Economics provide policy recommendations based on the evidence identified in the program of work as well as the broader public policy context in Australia. As part of this remit, Tulipwood Economics developed a conceptual framework to guide the interpretation of the evidence and consideration of policy recommendations.


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Debt Watch


16 March 2020


The fiscal consolidation in the 2010’s will help fight the Coronavirus pandemic.


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COVID19 State of Play podcast with Gene Tunny


5 August 2020


I was interviewed again on the 5th August by Gene Tunny to discuss the deteriorating COVID situation in Victoria and whether that changed my view of the appropriate government response. 
Our conversation is published as the first part of the Economics Explained podcast episode:


Re-opening economies in this time of COVID-19 with Joe Branigan.  >

Interview with Gene Tunny on Menzies Research Paper COVID19: Getting Australia Safely Back to Work


17 July 2020


I was interviewed by Gene Tunny from Queensland Economy Watch and the Economic Explained podcast on my paper with Professor Henry Ergas COVID19: Getting Australia Safely Back to Work for the Menzies Research Centre. 

The link to the podcast is here and below is a sample of my comments: >

Queensland Economy Watch Blog


28 May 2020


"Qld-NSW border war (of words) chat with Joe Branigan from Tulipwood Economics"


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Economic value of Children's Hospital Foundation research grants


31 March 2023

The Children’s Hospital Foundation (CHF) asked us to assess the economic impacts and benefits of its paediatric research grant program. Since 2010-11, CHF provided more than $60 million in medical research grants across several research categories, including oncology, respiratory health, digestive tract and nutrition, cystic fibrosis and cerebral palsy. This investment has leveraged more than $150 million (in real terms) over the past decade in further investment in paediatric medical research and also generated significant impacts for the Queensland and Australian economy, as well as benefits for patients, their families and researchers.


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Economics Explained podcast


16 April 2020


"Paying for the coronavirus rescue measures with Joe Branigan, Tulipwood Economics" 

16th APRIL, 2020 | 52:13 | E31


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Economics Explained podcast


2 April 2020


"Coronavirus responses with Joe Branigan, Tulipwood Economics" 

2nd April, 2020 | 36:12 | E29


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Queensland Economy Watch Blog


22 March 2020


"New COVID-19 chat with Joe Branigan of Tulipwood Economics"


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Economic impact analysis of Mort & Co’s proposed Lysine Plant at Grassdale Queensland


21 July 2022


We assisted Mort & Co, one of Australia’s largest integrated beef producers, develop an Economic Impact Analysis of its proposed Lysine Plant at Grassdale on Queensland’s Darling Downs. We found significant economic benefits to Queensland and Australia from the project including the potential to provide broader economic and social benefits to Queensland.


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"COVID-19 conversation with Joe Branigan of Tulipwood Economics"


16 March 2020


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Opinion Piece in Today's Courier Mail

Urgent need to shift second language options


20 September 2018


Are we still turning Japanese? I don’t think so.
Ask any Queensland public school kid what second language has been foisted on them, and it is more likely than not the answer is Japanese.


Read article >



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